During the summer I attended the Lady Gaga after party in the Houston House of Blues that took place after her concert. While I was at the party I noticed that there was a large number of LGBT individuals. I then realized that Lady Gaga has a huge number of LGBT fans. This is because Lady Gaga is so accepting and respectful of the LGBT community and is a bisexual herself. She has supported the LGBT community since the birth of her career becoming one of the most important advocates for it.
In fact, Lady Gaga hosted an event back in January 16 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This event was called Hands Up for Marriage Equality and its purpose was to support same-sex marriage to be legalized in the United States. Check out more things that she’s done in this article.
Lady Gaga is certainly an icon of many faces and embracing the LGBT community is one of them. Her image has always been daring and challenging the social mores, much like many LGBT people. The reason why she is so popular among the gay community is because in some way, many LGBTQ members feel like they can relate to her. Thus it is not surprising to have a large LGBT fan base.
ReplyDeleteHere's an article from Gay Rights Media and a video from Lady Gaga about her appeal to repeal DADT http://tiny.cc/dl3jd