Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cooking, cleaning. And Vaginas.

This is video of a song that I casually heard the other day, and while I found it hilarious because it was so ridiculous it also shows some underlying feelings of male supremacy. This can even be seen in the highest rated comments. One of these comments is “Cooking, cleaning. And Vaginas.” This is referring to a portion of the lyrics that reads “Women are only good for three things: cooking, cleaning, and vaginas.” See it for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I think some sexist jokes would be appropriate here...

    Why can't women drive?
    Because there's no road between the kitchen and the bedroom

    How do you know when it's time to get a new dishwasher?
    When the old one expects you to "do your share"

    Whats does your wife and a condom have in common?
    They both spend 99% of their time in your wallet

    Why did God make woman last?
    He didn't want someone telling him what to do.

    Why do women get married in white?
    So they can get a new dress for the funeral.
