Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gay Rights Info

This information is off the website titled speakout.

    Gay Rights

    Family and Relationships
  • Adoption: 19 states allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children in a complex and expensive two-step process, in which one parent first adopts and then the second can petition for joint rights.
  • Ceremonial Marriages: Same Sex Marriages may be officiated by church officials, or anyone else, but ceremonial marriages in and of themselves involve no civil laws and carry no legal benefits or responsibilities.
  • Domestic Partnership Registration: is a means by which some cities allow opposite- and same-sex couples to go on public record as a non-married couple. The major benefit is used to establish legal responsibility for debts after a relationship ends.
  • Domestic Partnership Affidavit: Many private employers and municipalities offer domestic partner benefits to their workers, based on signing a legal affidavit that defines an economic relationship.

    Civil Unions
  • In Dec. 1999, the Hawaii Supreme Court reversed a 1996 ruling, and defined marriage as between different sex couples.
  • In April 2000, the Vermont House of Representatives gave final approval to same-sex marriages. Gays and lesbians may join in "civil unions," which are no expected to be recognized by other states and will not entitle the partners to federal benefits. The Vermont Supreme Court had ruled in December that gay and lesbian couples denied the right to marry were suffering from unconstitutional discrimination.
  • In June 2000, the Supreme Court let stand a New Jersey ruling that allowed the Boy Scouts to ban gay scoutmasters.
  • In July 2000, Vermont began offering a separate form of marriage, conferring about 300 spousal rights to same sex couples.
  • The Civil Union license is obtained from town clerks. There is a $20 fee. The Unions are "certified" either by justices of the peace, judge, or willing member of the clergy. Civil Union couples also have the right to dissolve their unions through a "dissolution" process in Family Court.

    Civil Unions Benefits
  • Definitions: Use of State laws that confer benefits or rights to people based on their marital or family status, such as family landowner rights to hunt and fish, or definitions of family farmers.
  • Adoption: Entitled to all the protections and benefits available when adopting. Same-sex couples already are allowed to adopt, but laws would reflect that those couples would now be treated as spouses.
  • Compensation: Use of victims' compensation and workers' compensation related to spouses.
  • Discrimination: Use of laws prohibiting discrimination based on marital status.
  • Health Care: Able to make medical decisions for incapacitated partner. Able to visit hospitals visitation and be notified of a partner's condition.
  • Insurance: State employees are treated as spouses for insurance or continuing care contracts.
  • Lawsuits: Able to sue for wrongful death, the emotional distress caused by a partner's death or injury, and loss of consortium caused by death or injury.
  • Property: Entitled to joint title, transfer from one to the other on death, and property transfer tax benefits.
  • Probate: Use probate law and procedures.
  • State Tax: Treated as an economic unit.
  • Testimony: Not be compelled to testify against one another.

    Federal rights NOT Covered by Civil Unions
  • Immigration Rights: Cannot have a non-U.S. spouse become a full citizen.
  • Social Security: Cannot collect benefits upon death of a spouse.
  • Federal Taxes: Cannot file jointly as a married couple 
Here is a basic overview of some of the benefits that same-sex couples get and don't get. While civil unions do give couples some benefits, there some rights, listed above, that the couples do not get. So if civil unions do not offer the same rights as marriage how can you refer to it as on the same level as actual marriage?


  1. Very interesting article Jonathan 'oxyspeedrace' Padon. I think that there is a different way to approach the difference between civil unions and civil marriages other than what benefits are given by the federal government. I think that another difference between a civil union and a civil marriage is the "social recognition" that only resonates with marriages. Much like the idea of "Separate but equal" civil unions marginalize same sex couples into a "second class" status. Although on paper they seem relatively similar, they are in fact a label, a indicator, or even a signifier of discrimination.

  2. Its ridiculous that only 19 states allow gay couples to adopt and they can't even really adopt a child together. I was studying issues surrounding adoptions in class and the issue of gay parents wanting to adopt came up several times. From what I learned that when it comes to International adopting, China has really strict guidelines for gay couples wanting adopt (I think some private agencies don't even allow gay couples to adopt).

    It frustrates me because during High School i lived with my two godparents who were gay and they were incredible loving and supportive parents. They are better parents than some other straight parents I know of and its ridiculous to assume that sexual orientation has any affect in how you parent your child. Those assumptions are really bogus!
