It's amazing how far family support can take a person. Within the LGBTQ community, teens who reported that they received parental support in their households ended up being overall happier people. Many teens who come out to their parent end up not only receiving no emotional support, they are often subject to physical abuse for doing so. In fact, 19% of gay men and 25% of lesbians report suffering physical violence at the hands of family members as a result of their sexual orientation. If more parents were able to accept their kids, that would positively impact the self-esteem of many LGBT teens, which would subsequently, lead to better self expression which could potentially lead to more understanding. More parents should try and embrace their children regardless sexuality similar to what Platas forced himself to do for his son.
I most definitely agree! If a member of the LGBT community does not have a stable support system around them at the time of their revelation, it would be that much harder for them to 'come out of the closet.' Parents should love their children for who they are no matter what their sexual orientation is. I have friends who are adopted by a lesbian couple and she herself is a lesbian and to have that feeling of acceptance from her mother made a huge difference in her confidence and was one of the most liked people in our graduating class!