Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yet Another Gay Teenage Suicide

I personally find it completely shocking the number of gay teenagers that have committed suicide recently. I was reading in 365: Gay News about yet another suicide from a 19 year old gay male. Apparently, Zach Harrington attended a city council meeting in Norman consisting of very anti-gay people. One of the members of the meeting actually said that the reason why he moved to Norman was because he was positive that it was a place that would not welcome gay or lesbian people. I find it crazy to think that Zach would even attend this meeting because he knew that it would consist of these kinds of people and he went through so much adversity in High School from being bullied because of his sexual orientation that someone would not believe he had any prior knowledge to the kind of people that were going to attend this meeting. I think that this is ridiculous that people can make these kinds of comments at a city council meeting and not take into consideration how it may make some people feel.

                                          Oklahoma Teen Commits Suicide


  1. Yeah I've read about this case as well. Apparently Zach committed suicide a week after attending the meeting. What makes me sad about this particular case is that because Zach went to a school with "nonstop LGBT hate," ( he felt that suicide was his only way out. Especially now, when there are more support groups and resources available to the LGBT community than ever before, these tragedies are made all the more devastating.

  2. The saddest part of this article is the "Yet Another" part of the title, I think. I feel like the recent trend has, in some ways, lessened our reaction to the tragedies that continue to occur. It's getting easier to write off as just another name to add to a list, and I think that that's remarkably sad.
