Monday, October 18, 2010

Racist Banned Commercial

As I was writing my reflection paper on the depiction of racial minorities in the media, I thought I would look for videos where this is evident. I found so many racist videos, it was unbelievable. What is more distressing is the comments that people post on the videos. Many people think this is funny but they do not see the real issue in society; RACISM. This video is a little confusing because toothpaste is usually good for your teeth, so this makes the African American man a good person yet the Asian mother is scared of him because of his race. But why would someone use the African American race to prove this point. This video is completely racist for me, and I am happy that it was banned. I couldn't believe that this was actually a commercial!

1 comment:

  1. Although I would easily agree that the video depicts racism, and obviously that should be avoided whenever possible, I'm not so certain that it supports it. Actually, when I watched it it seemed like the black male was being treated as a gentle giant, and that the Asian mother was considered 'in the wrong' in that situation, by look of the rhetoric. I understand that in and of itself the depiction of racist acts should be avoided, and therefore understand and agree with the banning of it, but it didn't strike me as an endorsement of racism. Am I missing something?
