Saturday, October 9, 2010

In Case We Needed Another Reason To Hate Walmart.

Hitting the Walmart shelves this month: a book on overcoming homosexuality. Several hundred Walmart stores are now selling Mormon author Janice Graham's book Chased By An Elephant: The Gospel Truth About Today's Stampeding Sexuality. The book, Graham says, is intended to "shed the clear light of truth on today's dark and tangled ideas about male and female, proper gender roles, the law of chastity, and the God-given sexual appetite."

Graham states that she was motivated to write the book because the increase in "sexual sins". The book also includes an introduction by her son, Andrew a self-professed "cured" homosexual. Andrew says he was "lured into homosexuality by older men at Brigham Young University, but that he was able to turn away from what he calls the 'deceitful and predatory nature of the ‘gay’ lifestyle.'"

In fact, on her recent blog post "Beware the Gay Suicide Card", Graham goes so far as to state that the recent gay suicide trend is because these teenagers have seen the condemnation of their own souls, and have chosen to end their lives because of it.

“Could it be that there are hidden factors at work that contribute to gay youth suicides?” she asked.

“How about encouragement to adopt a popularized but unnatural sexual label? How about addiction to soul-killing same-sex pornography? How about being introduced by adults to behaviors too heinous to mention in polite society? How about being told they are forever homosexual and thinking they will never have a normal family life?”

I think that this shows exactly WHY there have been so many gay suicides lately. This goes beyond blatantly intolerant.

1 comment:

  1. I think the recent gay suicides and attacks against homosexuality also allows people with anti-gay opinions to be bolder in expressing their opinions. Clearly, the idea of this book stems long before the suicides started, but I think it's introduction now will simply contribute to the strong anti-gay motif currently sweeping the headlines. The question that emerges is what can the general public do to show that they support LGBT rights?
