Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homophobia Literally Kills.

In light of the recent LGBT suicides, I find this video particularly disgusting. How is this kind of thing considered remotely funny or even kind of okay? Join us in wearing purple on October 20th in memory of recent youth tragedies and to show that this kind of behavior is not okay.


  1. I saw this video and I ask myself, "why?" This kind of hatred is sickening to watch, especially in sporting events which I love. Personally had I been the man being victimized I would have been in jail for assaulting those bigots. The video title says it, homophobia kills; so I'm going to wear purple in hopes that one day that the killer gets killed. In other words, I hope one day homophobia along with every other kinds of hatred dies.

  2. This is such a disgusting video. I understand people want to pump themselves up by bashing the opposing team, but the fact that this is the way they go about it is pathetic and hurtful. I found a really eye-opening, short article on how society has created a place for gay bashing in our culture, and what the extremes of this can lead to. Please take a look

  3. There are so many words that can describe this video, but to describe it in one word is that it's just plain disturbing. I have never heard of this happening at a sports event. Referring to those cheering for the other team as gay lovers and then making a song about it just shows how low people will go to make themselves feel better. It also shows that while we have made progress with LGBT rights, negative thoughts are still very much there in people's minds. The people in this video need to be put to justice to show others that this kind of mind set will not pass in today's society. Even those that were just sitting there either laughing or paying no attention should be given a fine of some sort because even though they did not participate in the teasing they did not do anything to stop it. This is, I believe, just as bad as participating. Overall, this video is very disturbing and makes me sick. I hope others that view this video will learn that society needs to change because this type of thinking will not be tolerated.

  4. WOW! This is truly horrible. I can't believe how these people could be so ignorant and absurd. Why are they picking on the gay men when they have not disrespected them in any way. As I was watching this video I put myslef in their position, and I would not have been able to sit there and let them sing those hirrible lyrics in my face. How hurtful and saddening. It really aggravates me to see this happen, and not see anyone stand up for them. We seriously have to make a change! & lets wear purple on October 20th to support our LGBT community and the recent deaths of these victims!
