Monday, October 4, 2010

Following the trend..

Because I just couldnt resist adding another bathroom-themed post to my repertoire, D.C. Starbucks' are making their bathrooms gender neutral.

While one response may be, "woopty freakin' doo, they're single room bathrooms anyways, who cares what the door sign says?", that's not the point here. For people who fit pretty comfortably into a gender, me included, changing the signs on two doors you already used interchangeably isnt too big a deal. For transgendered people, however, who spend every day of their lives being forced to choose between two signs that dont represent them (and who disallow them in both cases) this is really a great step forward.

That said, another big 'woopty freakin' doo' for the fact that this has been four years in the making. In 2006, the D.C. council passed regulations requiring that all public accommodations would be 'accessible to transgendered people'. Pretty much, that boils down to gender neutral bathrooms (no such thing as gender-specific stairs, I guess).

Four years. And now Starbucks is finally getting around to it, and only in their D.C. shops (admittedly, that's still 52 locations).

So, all in all, pat on the back for Starbucks for actually doing anything, but we're holding out the really big pat until someone makes anything more than a perfunctory (and actually legally required) change.


  1. I agree--this is a pretty big deal. And it's about time.

    I don't quite understand the opposition to gender neutral bathroooms--aren't all bathrooms in family's homes gender neutral?

    Gender neutral bathrooms should be the norm, not an anomaly.

  2. Agreed. Why are businesses making such a big deal about this switch?? A lot of smaller coffee shops (LIKE STARBUCKS) don't even have the bathroom w/ stalls issue... they're just small, single-person bathrooms. All they have to do is change the signs!

    It seems like it comes down to the principle of the issue: it's not that it's a lot of work to make the switch... the businesses simply don't CARE to. The apathy and lack of care surrounding current civil rights issues is downright disgusting.
