Friday, October 8, 2010

Gender-role cartoons

Some cartoons I found that capture male-female gender roles relevant to today. I feel like these roles will be harder to break or deconstruct than any LGBT issue because while LGBT issues are currently  being questioned from every viewpoint, most male-female inequality issues get minor complaints and are left as they are. What will it take to change public opinion on pink for girls and blue for boys?


  1. I laughed really hard... and then realized that I maybe shouldn't find these funny :-/

  2. I found these comics to be hilarious, mostly because they are true. In the first one, for example, boys are conditioned from a young age to play and explore new toys that are intellectually stimulating and focus on "building", while girls get dolls... I haven't got anything against dolls, but in this comparison, it does feel as if we're getting the short end of the stick.
    As for the second comic... that's pretty self explanatory. Women have historically been paid less than men have. It's just a fact of our society. Though it may not be as blatant now, it still exists in certain sectors of the work force.
    I happen to truly like these, because of the fact that we are discussing them. This causes discourse and brings more attention to the topics. That's really why I'm fine with thinking that these are funny.
