Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bieber Bashing

Trust me, this relates to our class more than it related to Justin Bieber. Sort of. If you look at it sideways and with one eye closed. The reason i'm linking this is not to follow the life and times of a young canadian boy, it's actually because of the language two popular radio personalities use to demean said boy. I feel like it would be odd to just post the video with no explanation, so follow this link for both the video and some peripheral information:

Canadian Radio Host Calls Justin Bieber a Transsexual

There are so many levels of pathetic these men sink to. I cant really tell what's more offensive, the repeated implications that he is homosexual (which is, of course, bad), or their bashing of transsexuals, or the fact that 40 year old men with no sense of proper radio hosting are being paid to spend 10 minutes of air time bashing a 15 year old child. Or, alternately, the fact that i just wasted ten minutes of my life listening to all that happen. Hmm.

There has of course been backlash to this but, as this article says, "It's unclear whether the punishment means a fine, or just some tersely worded paperwork."

Again, trying to bring this away from Bieber himself, it amazes me that people who think this sort of slander is in any way appropriate are still hired to positions in radio and other media. What is a 'shock jock' if not a person who makes their living being constantly insulting to at least one group of people? Now, i acknowledge that Southpark constructs its entire show from being constantly insulting to as many groups as possible, but there is also a difference between satire and honest bigotry. Southpark goes so far over the line of inappropriate that it makes clear where that line is (and subsequently takes a piss out of it). The sort of 'jokes' this radio personality engaged in were clearly not meant to be so far over the line they were satirical - he couldnt even define that line.

i dont know how successfully i made my point clear, but it's there in my head! i swear!

(Also, by the way, Justin Beiber's fans make up 3% of all traffic on twitter, which i think is hysterical and sort of creepy)

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