Friday, September 24, 2010

PSA of the Future... and President Chuck Norris

This is a video that I watched a few weeks ago. I laughed and showed it to anyone who would watch, but other than that did not really think about it. Analyzing this video now, I can't figure out if this is offensive or enlightening. This is a parody of those in today's society who have a tendency to take things to the extreme, but it could also be a disturbing look into what homosexuality means to those who are against homosexuality or very defensive about their own sexuality. I personally would like to think of it as a satirical remark on certain extremists who advocate against anything to do with homosexuality. But I can't help but think about the whole "grain of truth" thing. With all of the advances with gay rights in the past few years, could this be a fear that extremists actually have?


  1. This video reminds me of the paper we read about how homophobic men are that way because of their fears. They probably think every little interaction with a man that isn't very stereotypically manly is just a little bit too close to homosexuality, which is completely ridiculous of course. I think this video is more enlightening than it is offensive, because it brings to light the foolishness of homophobia.

  2. This is definitely a funny video, but I believe it makes a good point. Men can be so up tight about being called gay or saying "no homo." Herek in On Heterosexual Masculinity makes the point that this will not change for a while: "Even realizing how dysfunctional the male role can be does not make change inevitable. Men cannot change without clear alternative ways of living. Formulating such alternatives must constitute an agenda for all who hope to improve our society-gay, lesbian, and heterosexual" (327).
