Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Does social construction physically change people?

In "The Social Construction of Gender," Lorber asserts that gender roles are not biological but social creations. In the scientific world, however, there is accepted understanding of chemical differences between adult male and female brains. Different areas of the brain have more activity in males than in females. Kris Norato wrote a very interesting article (http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/notaro20100621/) bridging these two subjects, questioning the very existence of gender. Norato, who works in the field of ethical technology, hypothesizes that the social aspect of gender is what creates the chemical neurological differences between genders. It makes sense, because people experiencing similar emotional situations, such as PTSD, or grief, have similar chemical concentrations in the brain. Why not people of the same gender? Maybe society is capable of changing our very bodies!

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