Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Old news, ongoing theme

Usually when the phrase "gay rights" is spoken, it is thought of to be synonymous with "gay marriage rights". 
---> However, it turns out that there are many, many rights that heterosexual couples have that members of the LGBT community did/do not.   I was actually completely unaware of the amount of freedom that is denied to gay couples until I stumbled upon this (now old news, but totally shocked me) ;
"The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Texas' gay sex ban, ruling that a state law that punished homosexual couples for engaging in sex acts that are legal for heterosexuals was an unconstitutional violation of privacy." Fox News
I was amazed to read at first that "gay sex acts" (namely anal sex) could even be legislated by Texas and actually made illegal. Then I read on and my mind was blown - only gay couples could not have anal sex. Heterosexuals could still have perfectly legal "gay sex". 
Homosexuals were literally denied the right to have sex. 

The reason I bring that old article up is because inequality is still quite prevalent when it comes to all aspects of life. There are 1138 rights, benefits, and protections of marital status that homosexual couples are denied. 

This law in Texas was just a drop in the bucket. 

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