Saturday, September 18, 2010

One, two, three, four, FIVE Sexes? . . .

As I was reading the article on "The Five Sexes" by Anne Faustic-Sterling, I kept pausing and reading certain parts in the text that struck me to my roommates. Their reaction was the same as mine. There were many facts in this article that I did not know about, for example, .
"Adam began life as a hermaphrodite and later divided into two people-a male and a female-after falling from grace. According to Plato there once were three sexes-male, female, and hermaphrodite- but the third sex was lost."
 This is interesting because the "third" sex has not died, it has just been left out by society. It is exactly what Wideman stated in his article, "Free Papers",
"How what we leave out is so much more crippling that what we leave in."
What is spoken about publicly is not as chaotic as we we stay quite about because of the reaction of our communities. Our society has not accepted hermaphrodites, because an individual has to be either male or female. Our society structure has classified us into two categories and whoever is not under these two categories is judged and discriminated against. People do not really understand what a hermaphrodite is. Ignorance makes society act in a cruel manner. Being a hermaphrodite is a biological problem and should not be made into a social issue where they are seen as awkward creatures. In this introduction of a research paper, the role of hermaphrodites in society is briefly described


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