Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Would You Do?: Gay Bullying

I watched the most recent episode of ABC's What Would You Do? on Hulu, where they addressed the issue of gay bullying. In this show, they set up scenarios in suburban areas (usually New Jersey) and secretly film it to see what passerby will do.

In this episode, they set up a scenario where several teen boys were bullying another teen boy, calling him a fairy, homo, etc. I thought more people would stop to stand up for the boy, but I was surprised at how little people actually attempted to intervene. The ones that did though were touching. :)

Here's the scenario:

1 comment:

  1. One of the worst ways that hatred on homosexuality can continue, is by people allowing it to occur and by "staying out of it." There are so many situations that the general public has control over changing, but so often we figure it is someone else's problem and we look the other way. With bullying, name calling and outward expressions of hatred towards the homosexual community, there needs to be a stronger force against the problem for it to end. People's lives are at stake when this bullying goes too far, and the emotional damage is devastating for those who are victims to the abuse. Regardless of sexual orientation, or any other identity characteristic, we need to help each other in these situations. There is no excuse for abuse, and the cycle will only continue when we allow it to occur.

