Monday, November 1, 2010

Michelle Obama on Bullying

I think that this is a very inspiring video in response to recent suicides as well as Obama's address on the White House website. As such a popular figurehead, she demonstrates her disposition on national television. Who better than with Ellen Degeneres? Her interview is incredibly uplifting as she says,

“All of these young people regardless of their race, their sexual orientation, they are gifts to us,” she said. “They have so much to offer and it’s just terrible to find out that kids are letting this part of their life define everything about who they are going to be."

Furthermore, she reinforces Obama's statement that it is essential that we first dispel the myth that bullying is a "normal rite of passage." Finally, another important problem to consider is the issue of the "bystander effect," meaning she says that it should be a fundamental responsibility to stand up for victims of bullying. 

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