This is just such an amazing image, i couldnt help but post it. i knew a boy who became a marine...he hated it. he's a psychology major now, i think.
We've been hearing so much about DADT in class and on the news, but maybe we could think of another part of military policy for a while. What do people feel about women serving in the military? Actually, what do people know about women serving in the military, because i'm woefully uninformed. I'm under the impression, though, that women are not allowed to serve in open combat. Am i right? Hmm. well if anyone knows better than me, certainly correct me. But if we are to assume that i am right, what do people think about that? fair, unfair? based on what?
Personally i find it reassuring, given the fact that i am in face female. I feel the same way about DADT, to be honest. I recognize, though, that for people who want to serve their country it shouldn't matter what race, sex, orientation, or religion they are. What is the military rational for these limits? we shall see we shall see.
Actually, this brings me to a much more interesting question. I'm bored of the old one. Why is it that military rights are more of a talked about issue in the news than marriage rights? Why is it easier to get the right to hurt people than it is to get the right to love?
'nuff said.
(also props to anyone who knows the title of this post)
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