Friday, October 15, 2010


An American Scientific blog site posted an article about how it is possible to predict adult sexuality from an early age. I was really shocked to see that the picture used for this article was of a girl in jeans, with a hat, baseball, and baseball glove. The implication of this picture is that when if a young girl rather wear jeans than a dress or play a sport rather than ballet, it only means that she is on her way to becoming a lesbian as an adult. It's really ridiculous that people think they can predict sexuality based off of what kind of activities children may.  Also, this article only demonstrates what the consequences are when one doesn't conform to society's gender expectations. Young girls are expected to be gentle and play with dolls.  However, if they don't but instead play sports it is quickly assumed that they must be lesbians. Sports do require some level of aggression, but since it is only acceptable for boys to be aggressive, they are the ones expected to play sports. Being aggressive isn't feminine and apparently what isn't feminine means it is an indication of homosexuality.
Lastly, what do these scientist have to say about girls who just like to play sports, because well, they like sports? I played soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse but I am not a lesbian. Am I the exception to their rule? I really doubt it.


  1. How wrong! Scientific American is a nationally renowned science journal - I never expected this sort of thing would get published. After looking up and reading this article, it's clear that there is very little scientific fact and it is primarily assumptions. I found a better article directed towards parents who think their child may be gay ( take a look

  2. Well, reading this post reminds me of my High School girls basketball, volleyball, and softball teams. Our girl's basketball team was mostly lesbian or bisexual, save for three starters. Our volleyball team also had a few lesbians and as did our softball team. Now, I do not think that playing girls playing sports is a sign of possible homosexuality, but these facts by Scientific American are not totally unfounded, at least not by my experience. Still, girls playing do have a higher chance of being lesbian than guys do for whatever reason. Obviously, this does not mean that EVERY girl will become lesbian by playing sports, but the percentages do indicate a likely hood of the possibility.

  3. I agree with you! This is ridiculous. I grew up with sports. But yet I'm very feminine and I'm straight. I have loved playing baseball and softball since I can remember, but that didnt make me a lesbian! Athletic girls are seen differently, and are said to lack femininity but that is not true! That picture caught my attention and the first thing I said was "aww how cute"!It is really a cute picture but when I read your blog, I was disgusted by the American Scientific blog. It made me think back to our first writing assignment for this class. In my reflection I wrote about this exact same topic.

  4. I think this is a really good demonstration of just how powerful social conceptions are when shaping a young person's thoughts about themselves. People are treated differently from the moment they are born, based simply on their gender, and if they begin to act outside of the box termed "appropriate", they begin to feel the repercussions of society. Labels like these, which are obviously misleading and with little/no basis in factual research, can and are doing serious harm to young people across the nation.
