Monday, October 11, 2010

New York Govenor Election Will Say Much About LGBT Movement

The Republican candidate for governor in New York, Carl Paladino, opposes same-sex marriages and has said that children should not be "brainwashed" into thinking homosexuality is acceptable, and that gay pride parades are "disgusting." Paladino has received much attention due to the unacceptable nature of these comments, yet he is now standing by his opinions.
In light of the recent anti-gay issues, from Brox beatings to several suicides, this election is bound to say a lot of society's current viewpoint on LGBT issues. Either Paladino will resoundingly lose,  showing the public's pro-gay majority, or his comments will resonate with those anti-gay protesters who have used recent events to publicly state their nonsupport. This is an election to watch; it goes much further than politics.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that he made a public statement a few days ago saying that his calling homosexuals "disgusting" was just him "being Catholic"? Attempted scapegoat fail. I don't like that he blames his own rudeness and beliefs on the entirety of his religion, no matter the religion's stance on the issue. There are obviously homosexual Catholics. His words are not because of his religion... they're because of his personal beliefs. There is a difference.
