Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Portrayal of Men in Disney Movies

Children look up to the images that the see in movies. Specifically, disney movies are often idolized because they are see by so many not only in the US but all over the world. Many people see disney movies as a memorable aspect of their early youth.          

The images that we see in our youth can shape how we see society and our place in it. This youtube video addresse of masculinity in disney movies. It focuses on how these movies portray men and thier ideal qualitites to young boys and girls in the world.

What do you think?
How would things be different if they showed men in a new light?


  1. Well, when I was a kid I had no idea that Disney portrayed these men for a certain reason. When I was young I just watched these movies because I was a kid and I enjoyed those kinds of things. It's amazing to look back on them now and see what Disney really meant when they decided to portray men the way they did. It's easy to see now that Disney did this to teach kids that when they get older they need to have these traits or don't have those traits in order to get the girl or be the best. So if Disney portrayed men differently it would most likely change how children see themselves and probably change boys view girls and vice versa, but until this happens kids will concentrate the way they think around how Disney tells them to think.

  2. I miss thinking that Disney was just an innocent corporation (wow, that's a loaded term). I miss watching the movies and NOT thinking about the perpetuation of gender and racial stereotypes.

    Young children are incredibly impressionable. It's obvious that something needs to change, but we're not exactly going to eliminate all princess tales, are we? What are good steps to take? We might just need to begin promoting films and shows that portray genders and races in a more realistic light.

  3. The real point to get here is the surprising places where gender scripts can be found; As Lorber said "talking about gender is like talking to a fish about water."

    I'm sure if you look at other aspects of cultural production you will see other manifestation of gender scripts.
