Friday, October 1, 2010

And Another..

As of, oh TODAY, same sex marriage is now legal in Conneticut.. YAY. All preexisting civil unions will automatically be changed to marriages, which is great for the LGBTQ community there, but I wonder about the straight opponents to ending civil unions. I'm not talking about bigots who don't like the idea of two boys kissing, no one particularly cares about them. The people I'm wondering about are the straight couples who have civil unions, for any of the many reasons they do (to preserve their inheritance, to oppose the institution of marriage, etc.) and what will now happen to them. Will they be able to change their marriage back? Will they loose the benefits of the civil union? (I'm thinking most now about older people who have ex-spouses inheritance because they have not remarried. What will they do in their old age?)
This bears some looking into but, for now, one more state with equal marriage! yay!
(Also, sexting is now illegal)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Connecticut! That's awesome. :) I loved the week or two a couple years ago when state after state was legalizing gay marriage. It was a good couple of weeks. That's why even though of course outcomes like the Prop 8 vote are unfortunate, I don't feel defeated at all, because it's so obvious that eventually it will be legal everywhere in the country. Yay!
